Handspun yarn


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One of a kind inhouse handspun wool Yarn. Aran weight-ish 

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+, 2 Greyhills / Indigo, 201 Ocean, 208 Aqua, 4007, 4008, 4010, 4014, 4016, 4023, 4024, 4055, 4057, 4059, 4063, 5469 Pink, 60, 64, 68, 7704 Dark Grey Heather, 7710 Red Black Heather, 7721 Teal Heather, 7735 Raspberry Heather, 7748 Sage Heather, 7760 Denim Heather, 7824 Aqua Heather, 8620 Magenta, 9240 Azure, A Good Sky In Ganado, Afterbath #1, Afterbath #2, Afternoon in the Bisti, Almond Blossom, Amethyst M62, Amethyst N62W, Aqua Inlet M156, Aqua Pura 1013, Aquamarine, Aran, Archangel, Arctic Ocean Blue, Arequita, Atlantis Perwinkle, Aubergine M185, Autumn Harvest M22, Avacado, Ayoo' Lichii (Very Red), Aztec Turquoise M78, Bah Yazzie's Beads, Beach Glass, Beige, Bell Flower, Big Wolf, Bing Cherry M101, Bit of Blue, Bitahochee, Black Mesa, Black Walnut, Black Walnut Light, Black Walnut Medium, Black12, Black22, Black23, Bleached White, Blood Orange, Blood Sauage, Blue, Blue Bird, Blue Boy, Blue Boy M79, Blue Jay, Blue Mush, Blue Smurf, Bluebird, BM02 Brown Heather, BM128 Greybull, BM145 Spice, BM182 Regal Purple, Boysenberry, Brick, Bridal Bouquet, Brittle Brown, Brown Heather, Brt Navy, Butchering Day, Cafe au Lait M260 – Discontinued, Canyon de Chelly Peaches, Carrot Top, Cayenne M138, Charcoal 880W, Charcoal Heather M04, Cherry Berry, Cherry Berry Patch, Cherry Delight 108W, Child Awareness, Child Awareness Blue, Chocolate Mint, Chocolate Souffle M151, Chocolate Souffle M151, Christmas Green M165, Chufaa Spring, Churchrock Trail, Chuska Lake, Cinnamon, City Electric Moccasins, Cloudly Sky, Cobalt Blue, Cochine l/ Indigo, Cochineal ? Indigo #2, Cochineal / Indigo #1, Cochineal / Indigo #2, Cochineal / Indigo #3, Cochineal Afterbath 1, Cochineal Dark, Cochineal Dark / Indigo, Cochineal Extra Light, Cochineal Fire Truck Red, Cochineal Light, Cochineal Light / Indigo, Cochineal Medium, Cochineal Salmon, Cocoa Butternut, Code Talker Green, Coffee at Earls, Corn Flour Blue, Corn Pollen, Cornflour Blue, Cosmos, Cotton Candy, Country Red, Cranberry Swirl M250, Dances with Salmon, Dark Brown, Dark Forest, Dark Pine, Deep Charcoal M06, Deep Coral M159, Deep Purple, Deep Sea 103W, Defiance Rabbit Brush 2nd Dip, Defiance Rabbitbrush, Defiance Rabbitbrush Light, Defiance Rabbitbrush Medium, Denim, Denim Blue, Dinilte'izh ( Light Blue), Diniltł’izh (Light Blue), Dinootłʼizh Yazhi (A Little Green), Dirt, Dirt (Łeezh), Dynamite Blue M160, Earth Ombre, Ecru, Edamame, Egg Plant, Emerald Green M147, Emerald Isle, Enchanted Forest, Fairy Perwinkle, Fire Rock Yellow, Flea Market Jeans, Fog, Freezing Cold, French Clay, Frozen Blue, Gallup Bengals, Gallup Coffee Latte, Ganado Lake, Gilbert's Grape, Gilberts Grape, Glen Canyon Dam, Globe Mello, Gold Rush, Good Sky In Ganado, Gorman Blue, Grand Falls Chocolate, Grandma's Scarf, Grandmas Favorite Turquoise, Grape Jam, Grape Vine, Graphite, Green Grass, Green Tea, Grey, Grey Heather M03, Grind Yellow Corn, Ground Lichen, Ground Lichen (Light), Ground Lichen Dark, Ground Lichen Light, Ground Lichen Medium, Gun Powder Blue, Gunsmoke, Hawaiian Teal M149, Headed for Ganado, Heavenly, Holly Berry, Hot Purple, Hurricane Seas, I Saw It In Santa Fe, I Smell Carrots, I Think It's Spring, Impasse Yellow, Indian Paintbrush, Indian Wells Pink, Indiecita, Indigo, Indigo Dark, Indigo Light, Indigo Medium, Indigo Meduim Dark, Indigo Meduim light, Indigo Very Light, Indigo Very Very Light, Issue #36, Issue #37, Its Gonna Rain, Jaded Dreams, Jaded Lagoon M126, Jennie's Bracelet, Jerry's Red Chili, Juicy Juicy Green, Jute, Kayenta Look, Keylime Pie, Kinlichee Red, Kiwi M191, Kumquat Orange, Lady Hubbell's Lilacs, Laguna Negra, Leighton Blue, Lemo'n, Lemon Drop M155, Leupp Pink, Lichii Sido (Red Hot), Light Blue, Light Cochineal/Indigo Overdye (Limited Edition), Light Grey, Lighy Haze, Lime Piccadilly, Little Wolf, Lost In Haze, Magenta Pink, Malachite, Mandarin, Meadow, Mimosas, Moonlight, Mormon Tea, Morning Dove, Mountain Juniper, My Pet Lamb, Naiomi's Bracelet, Natural, Natural White, Natural White 2-ply, Navajo Tea, Navajo Tea (Dark), Navajo Tea (Light), Navajo Tea (Medium), Navajo Tea 2nd Dip, Navajo Tea 3rd Dip, Navajo Tea 4th Dip, Navajo Tea Dark, Navajo Tea Extra Light, Navajo Tea Light, Navajo Tea Medium, Navy Blue, North Mountain, Oatmeal M115, One of a Kind, Oregano, Oregano M113, Patches Of Teal, Peach, Peaches & Cream, Peaches and Cream, Peanut, Pepper, Perfect Sky, Periwinkle M59, Petrified Wood, Pewter Green, Piccadilly Pink, Pink, Pink Elephant Butte, Pink Lemonade, Pink Ribbon (cancer), Pink Smoothie, Pink Spirit, Pinky Pink, Pistachio M184 – Discontinued, Pistachios, Plains of Sage, Plum, Plum Kiss, Plum Smoke M166, Prairie Fire M181, Pretty Pastel, Purple Planet, Purple Rain, Rabbitbrush Dark, Rabbitbrush Meduim, Rabbitbrush/Wild Carrot, Radiant Orchid, Ragtime, Rainforest, Raspberry M83, Ravelry Red, Red Fox, Red Hot, Red Hot Chili, Red Hot Passon M197, Red Lake Red, Red Rasberry 141W, Red Rock Park, Red Rock Red, Regal Purple M182, Rezz Pink, Roadside Flower, Robins Egg, Rock 'N Roll, Rooster Red M154, Running Blue, Sable M07, Sage Dark, Sage Green, Sage Light, San Francisco Peak Yellow, San Juan Teal, Sand Box, Sandstone, Sandy Heather M01, Santa Fe Look, Sapphire M65, Scarlet N48W, Sea Ice, Seafoam M16, Sedona Sunset, Sherbet, Sheri Burnham's Sacred Mountain Turquoise, Shimasaní Bideijiʼ ééʼ (My Grandmother's Blouse), Shonto Way, Silver Streak at Night M290, Soft Ecru, Somebody Will Like It, Sonatina, Sour Grape, Spearmint, Spice M145, Spiced Plum, Spider Rock, Spring Cactus, Spring Green 109W, Stargazer Lily, STONE 701W, Stone Wash, Storm 114W, Strawberry Shortcake, Summer Night, Sun Shine, Sun Yellow M13, Sunset, Sunshine, Sweet Yellow Corn, T’aachil (Early Plants), T’aatsoh (Growth of Bigger Plants), Tangerine, Tea Rose, Tequila Creamsicles, Terracotta, Thai Tulip, Three Sisters, Thuja, Thunderbird Coral, Thunderbird Spiny Oyster, To’h Hashtl’ish (Muddy Water), Todacheene Lake, Top Gun, Tormented Teal M215, Tropical Surf, Tsaile Lake, Tsalie Lake, Turquois Trail, Turquoise Depths, Turquoise Trail, Turtle Green, UBukly Red, UBUKLY Turqoise, UBukly Yellow, UBulky, UBulky BLack, UBulky Brown, UBulky Natural, Ubulky Red, UBulky Striped Blue, UBulky Turqoise, UBulky Yellow, Very Very Red, Victorian Pink M34, Violeta Africana, Waa' (Bee Plant), Walnut, Walnut 2nd Dip, Walnut 3rd Dip, War Paint Red, Warm Carmel M178…, West Mountain Abalone, Wheatfield Lake, Where Am I, Where Did I Leave My Car?, Whie SunFace, White, White Frost M11, Wild Carrot, Wild Carrot Dark, Wild Carrot Light, Wild Carrot Medium, Wild Mustard M174, Wild Oak M08, Wine, Winterblue 117W, Woodland Green M169, Yellow Grind Corn, Zuni Clouds, Zuni Lupines, Akebono, Apple, Apple Color, Aquarium, Barbie Dream House, Barbie Dreamhouse, Basket of Berries, Black, Black/Gold, Blue / Black, Blue Belle, Blue Chalk, Blue Diamond Turquoise, Blue gray mix, Blue Violet Mix, Blue Willow, Blue Willow BM 134, Blue yellow green mix, Blush Opal Grey Mix, Canary, Caramel, Cast Away, Cherry Red, Cinnamon Dust, Claret, Clarissa Hale Storm, Clematis Blue, Cliff Rose, Cloudy Sky, Cochineal/ Indigo Dark, Cochineal/Indigo Dark, Cochineal/Indigo Extra Dark, Cochineal/Indigo Tie Dye, Coffee Break, Coral Grey Mix, Cream, Dark Red / Black, Denim Navy Mix, Draggon Fruit Boba, Dragon Fruit Boba, Fresh Moss M171, Frosting, Green Cream Mix, Green/Blue, Ground Lichen/Navajo Tea, Hisoku, Hot Pink Orange Mix, Hot Punk Pink, Ice cold blue, Ice Seabreeze, IPB1, Irish Spring, Ivory White, Jade, Jamaican Sea, Java Beam, Jazz, Kingman Turquoise, Lady Bug, Land of Oz, LeadvilleTurqoise, Light Denim, Lime Green Mix, Lime Sherbert, Line in the Sand, Lovely Lilac, Malibu Spots, Marigold, Mauve Purple Mix, Midnight Sky, Miss Navajo Purple, Moss Green, Natural Indian Paintbrush, Natural Indian Paintbrush Dark, Navajo Tea/ Cochineal, Navajo Tea/ Walnut, Navajo Tea/Indigo, New Orange, One of a Kind / Horse Weed, Onyx, onyx M05, OOAK-Sage/Navajo Tea, Pale Pistachio, Pale Silver, Papaya, Playground, Pumpkin Patch, Purple Onion w/ Alum, Purple Onion w/ Citric Acid, Rabbit Brush/Wild Carrot, Raspberry Blush, Red / Black, Red / White, Rosewood, Saddle Tan, Salmon Upstream, Seaweed, Sheer Blue, Silent Night, Sleeping Beauty Turquiose, Sleeping Beauty Turquoise, Snow Shadow, Sprinkle, Summer Romance, Sunbeam, Sunburst Gold M14, Sunflower, Sunflower Yellow, Sunny Sundae, Surf's Up, Surfrider Blue, Tetsu-kon, Toffee Bar, Tree of Life, Tropical Get-Away, True Blood Red, Turquoise Wonder, Tutti Frutti, Ubulky 451, UBulky 451-2, Ubulky Cochineal, Ubulky Dk Brown, UBulky Hand Paint Forest, UBulky Indigo, UBulky One of Kind Turquoise, UBulky One of Kind Yellow, UBulky Osage Orange, Ubulky624-3, Ume-murasaki, Vanilla, Violet Gold Mix, Wassermelone, Wassermelone Color, White / Red, White Beach, White Noise, White Winter


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